day 5 of new job



Ok so first 2 days (3 really) of training are over and how am I feeling? Pretty good, actually. It's the type of job that is incredibly fast paced so I don't have time to mope and feel the blahs that were threatening to take over this morning. It's not exactly rocket science but then again I'm still in the honeymoon phase where we're still being coddled and such.

I still don't see myself there long term. I'm sticking to my TLAR plan


to get as much $$$ as I can out of it. I seriously don't want to be tied to a phone for life and although this isn't your typical customer service, it still is a phone job.

The cool thing about it though is that I'm in control and can see myself BS'ing with agents to get them to do what I need them to. I haven't had any shitty ones yet or any meltdowns but from what I've heard that will come in due time.

Funny thing is my sister told me about a position at her boyfriend's sister's law firm that I should apply to. I'll probably fax over my resume in a few days when I tweak it. I'd be stupid not to. I mean, I work for a temp agency and although the money is cool, I'd prefer a permanent job with benefits.

Amazing how benefits is so important in life the older you get. In today's environment though, a job with benefits is like hitting the lottery.

For now I'm thankful for what I have and although I'm happy, i'm still scared but have to keep plugging along. We deserve to be debt free and we want that freedom so bad we can taste it.

Onward I go; for I am Buffy, slayer of all that is evil in the world.


So officially it's my 2nd day of training today. Feeling blah. Don't like having to come in on a sunday but I guess I got to do what I have to. I wish I had a job withregular hours Instead. I want to be laying next to my hgirl. Gotta shake the blahs off and do my best.
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Working interview

Working interview starts the end if today I'll know if I have a job or not. Eeek! A bit nervous but here goes nothing.
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now hiring

I am thisclose to landing a job. A lucrative job in the real estate field. It's thru a temp agency which has its pros and cons. One HUGE pro is that the job has unlimited and mandatory overtime which means beaucoup bucks; plus working thru the temp agency means my bank account will be fattened weekly.

It's a 3 step process to get hired. I did step 1 today, step 2 is tomorrow and then Thursday is the first actual interaction with the client: a 6 hour 'working interview'. This is done to weed out those who aren't going to make it, to make sure everyone is a match, etc. From what I know about the job it will be completely different than what I've done before but some similar elements exists. Phone work, internet, customer service, etc.

A BIG con against the job is that I will practically be living/breathing it. Expect to work 60-70 hours a week right off the bat. I"ll miss my girl and sedentary life but the paychecks are what's driving me. I've allowed myself to fantasize about paying off bills and credit and that is a sweet, sweet fantasy. Ah, the freedom of being debt-free. I can almost taste it. It tastes wonderful!

first born blues

It sucks being the oldest. As the oldest I'm the first one my mom calls to bitch/vent about my brother and sisters. As the oldest I'm the first one my brother/sisters call to bitch/vent about my mom. I may be first but I'm forever in the middle.

Right now my brother and mother are engaged in a pretty bad power struggle? My brother lost his job and was evicted as a result; now his family (himself, gf and dog) are staying in my mom's spare bedroom. Their relationship has always been volatile with enough blame to be given to both but things have boiled over now.

My brother feels my mom doesn't respect him or his girlfriend. His oft-repeated thought is that my mother would rather choose her husband over her own kids. To an extent, I believe him because I felt the same way when she 'married' her 2nd husband.

My heart hurts for my family. I can't do much but lend an ear and a few words of so-called wisdom. I have no money. I have no spare room. Heck, I don't even have the energy to expend on this drama.

I wish I could take a magic wand and make the situation better. I wish I could move my brother and his gf to a place of their own. I wish I could make my mom see that what she calls tough love and nagging is actually not doing anything but retarding my brother's ambition and making him resent her.

Bottom line, I know I can't do much of anything. He needs to grow up and get motivated to get his shit together. Actually both he and his gf do. Sleeping in after staying up all night like vampires is not conducive to a productive life.

I wish I could make my mom see that he's hurting. He's been hurting since childhood but he can't keep blaming our parents for how his life turned out.

Hermanito, necesitas ponerte las pilas y hacer algo de tu vida. Me duele tanto el corazon que estes en esta situacion pero la unica persona que te pueda ayudar es tu mismo. Espero que lleges a pensar asi para que te superes.

If I keep my distance from you all it's because I need my sanity. I hope all can be resolved soon. I don't want my family to hurt any more. I love you little brother, I love you mami.